Publications, Grants, Patents
Pan, H. B.; Liao, W. S.; Wai, C. M.; Oyola, Y.; Janke, C. J.; Tian, G. X.; Rao, L. F., Carbonate-H2O2 Leaching for Sequestering Uranium from Seawater. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 10713-10718.
Donna Baek, Bruce Mincher, Chien M. Wai, “Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Separation of Uranium from Other Actinides”, J. Hazardous Materials 2014, 274, 360-366.
Pan, H.-B.; Kuo, L.-J.; Wood, J.; Strivens, J.; Gill, G. A.; Janke, C. J.; Wai, C. M., Towards Understanding KOH Conditioning of Amidoxime-based Polymer Adsorbents for Sequestering Uranium from Seawater. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 100715-100721.
Pan, H.-B.; Kuo, L.-J.; Wai, C. M.; Miyamoto, N.; Joshi, R.; Wood, J. R.; Strivens, J. E.; Janke, C. J.; Oyola, Y.; Das, S.; Mayes, R. T.; Gill, G. A., Elution of Uranium and Transition Metals from Amidoxime-Based Polymer Adsorbents for Sequestering Uranium from Seawater. Ind Eng Chem Res 2016, 55, 4313-4320.
Gill, G. A.; Kuo, L.-J.; Janke, C. J.; Park, J.; Jeters, R. T.; Bonheyo, G. T.; Pan, H.-B.; Wai, C.; Khangaonkar, T.; Bianucci, L.; Wood, J. R.; Warner, M. G.; Peterson, S.; Abrecht, D. G.; Mayes, R. T.; Tsouris, C.; Oyola, Y.; Strivens, J. E.; Schlafer, N. J.; Addleman, R. S.; Chouyyok, W.; Das, S.; Kim, J.; Buesseler, K.; Breier, C.; D’Alessandro, E., The Uranium from Seawater Program at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Overview of Marine Testing, Adsorbent Characterization, Adsorbent Durability, Adsorbent Toxicity, and Deployment Studies. Ind Eng Chem Res 2016, 55, 4264-4277.
Donna L. Baek, Robert V. Fox, Mary E. Case, Laura K. Sinclair, Alex B. Schmidt, Patrick R. McIlwain, Bruce J. Mincher, and Chien M. Wai, “Extraction of Rare Earth Oxides Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Modified with Tri‑n‑Butyl Phosphate−Nitric Acid Adducts”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 7154–7163
Bruce J. Mincher, Chien M. Wai, Robert V. Fox, Donna L. Baek, Clive Yen, Mary E. Case, “The separation of lanthanides and actinides in supercritical fluid carbon dioxide”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2016, 307, 2543–2547.
Pan, H. B.; Wai, C. M.; Kuo, L. J.; Gill, G.; Tian, G. X.; Rao, L. F.; Das, S.; Mayes, R. T.; Janke, C. J., Bicarbonate Elution of Uranium from Amidoxime-Based Polymer Adsorbents for Sequestering Uranium from Seawater. Chemistryselect 2017, 2, 3769-3774.
Kuo, L.-J.; Pan, H.-B.; Wai, C. M.; Byers, M. F.; Schneider, E. A.; Strivens, J. E.; Janke, C. J.; Das, S.; Mayes, R. T.; Wood, J. R.; Schlafer, N. J.; Gill, G. A., Investigations into the Reusability of Amidoxime-Based Polymeric Adsorbents for Seawater Uranium Extraction. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56, 11603-11611.
Kuo, L. J.; Gill, G. A.; Tsouris, C.; Rao, L. F.; Pan, H. B.; Wai, C. M.; Janke, C. J.; Strivens, J. E.; Wood, J. R.; Schlafer, N.; D'Alessandro, E. K., Temperature Dependence of Uranium and Vanadium Adsorption on Amidoxime-Based Adsorbents in Natural Seawater. Chemistryselect 2018, 3, 843-848.
Kuo, L.-J.; Pan, H.-B.; Strivens, J. E.; Schlafer, N.; Janke, C. J.; Wood, J. R.; Wai, C. M.; Gill, G. A., Assessment of Impacts of Dissolved Organic Matter and Dissolved Iron on the Performance of Amidoxime-Based Adsorbents for Seawater Uranium Extraction. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b00670.
DOE-SBIR Grant - Phase 1, $150,000 (2015-2016); Phase 2, $1,000,000 (2016-2018);
Phase 2A, $1,000,000 (2018-2020)
Battelle-PNNL Contracts, $120,000 (2014-2016), $65,000 (2016-2017)